Web developer
Web Tools
My main activity is essentially about thinking, designing and realize Useful tools and applications based on Web technologies.
Respecting best practices
These applications are crafts, meaning they are coded by hand,
carefully respecting best practices.
The goal is to ensure the continuing, the lasting quality and the
good understanding of each project.
Open source
As much as possible I attempt to use open source tools / languages / projects and also to open release to code I produce.
You may thus read some of my contributions.Technologies and languages
My affinities are currently around Flask / Python for developping typical
client / server applications that eventually require some CRUD.
I tend to use JavaScript
to put in place some decoupled micro-applications that would interact
with each other (WebSocket, RestFul API).
This way I develop more likely applications over the Web or native using
Web technologies.
Getting up-to-day regularly
The Web is one of those very fast evolving area. What was true 6 months
ago might not still be today. Languages evolve, new
frameworks appear every
day (
mostly in JavaScript) and new tools come out to _ease our lives_.
At least they constantly break eventual habits.
I say out loud that it is very essential to remain
updated and keep one step ahead of the Web itself.
Retro-compatibility / pro-compatibility
Being a Web Developer is also promoting tools for today and tomorrow
rather than yesterday. Therefore I push forward for
pro-compatibility over retro-compatibility.
This way I can improve User interfaces
using Web-Components, CSS3 / CSS-next, JavaScript ES2016 / ES2017, WebComponents, and of course
Vanilla JS.
All this completing server tools, automation systems and other libraries
in constant study.