Training and workshops are mostly never used. What actually happens when you train an individual, a team or a company in some specific Web technology is that they come in the morning, leave at the evening, go back home (or sometimes back to the company to finish off some remaning work) have dinner and go to sleep. That rule the day.
When the traning ends everyone is very happy and willing to take actions with eveything that we've been through.
What actually happens is that they will either never use it again or they won't be able to reproduce what they were actually able to do by the end (or even to understand it!).
What I call immersive is a traning with a sufficiant duration and a consequent involving.
The way it could happen would be to spend a whole week together, have the entire day together from wake up until sleep time and all this in a totally unfamiliar surrounding. was born.
That's an event that takes place in an unexpected city in Europe where we take care of most things to make us together. That means the accomodation and the meals!
That could sound expensive but it's also made to be affordable and targeted for individuals and self-employed.
I'll let you have a look at the training program but keep in mind that it is actually each participant that makes the program upon their will!
Hope to meet you at the next webdiving training!
By vinyll on Jan. 9, 2015