NVM is the node version manager. It helps you manage your different versions of Node onto one single computer/server.
To install the latest version of NVM on Webfaction or any other shared hosting (using SSH):
wget -qO- https://cdn.rawgit.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
Open a new terminal and hit nvm list
. It should output the installed versions of node. Not much indeed.
nvm install stable
Would install the current stable version
nvm install 4
Would install the latest node 4.x.x
nvm install 0.12
Would install the latest 0.12.x version
nvm install 5.0.0
Would install precisely the node v 5.0.0
nvm list
To see what is available
nvm use defaut
nvm use 5.0.0
to switch respectively on the default version or the 5.0.0 version.
By vinyll on Nov. 22, 2015